Saturday, 28 July 2012

That's that over!

I hope you all enjoyed the opening ceremony of the Olympics, I have to say I's a lot better when you actually get to watch it! I'm very glad it's over, I haven't had the best time there and I'm very excited to go home for a few weeks. But I got to watch the end (after the parade) and took a few good photo's, some of which are below! I'm proud to have had a small part in it but am looking forward to watching the other ceremonies on the TV where I can just relax and enjoy the show without worrying whether I am doing something right or if I'm just getting in the way and hoping that everything goes to plan. My favourite part of the show was the industrial revolution. That was the first rehearsal I attended at the stadium and it was that point where everything seemed to fit together and make sense. I know there was a lot of sceptical people out there saying that the ceremony will be rubbish because it's just sheep and fields but I hope we proved them wrong and the world enjoyed it all!

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