Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Dress circle closing :(

I've just heard the news that dress circle, the theatre shop is closing. It's really sad to hear this especially since they obviously have a lot of support from theatre fans and professionals from the industry which was shown at the high turnout to the gala they had last time they thought they would have to close. They will still be trading from their website which is now in the links at the side of this blog so please support them. When you buy from them you know you are getting a good quality product from the shows.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Olympic Video!

This is  just a video I took of the opening ceremony last night, thought I would share!


That's that over!

I hope you all enjoyed the opening ceremony of the Olympics, I have to say I's a lot better when you actually get to watch it! I'm very glad it's over, I haven't had the best time there and I'm very excited to go home for a few weeks. But I got to watch the end (after the parade) and took a few good photo's, some of which are below! I'm proud to have had a small part in it but am looking forward to watching the other ceremonies on the TV where I can just relax and enjoy the show without worrying whether I am doing something right or if I'm just getting in the way and hoping that everything goes to plan. My favourite part of the show was the industrial revolution. That was the first rehearsal I attended at the stadium and it was that point where everything seemed to fit together and make sense. I know there was a lot of sceptical people out there saying that the ceremony will be rubbish because it's just sheep and fields but I hope we proved them wrong and the world enjoyed it all!

Thursday, 26 July 2012


So... tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics! We had our last dress rehearsal yesterday and had some amazing comments from people so you should watch it. I know a lot of people are moaning about it but you shouldn't not watch it just to make a point! One day someone will ask me where I was and I can say I was there. So that's it! I will be relieved on Saturday when I have got through it (evil stage managers and all) and I can have a bit of a break.
So don't miss it!!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Yet again...

I haven't posted in a long time! I've been quite busy volunteering on the Olympics! Sounds exciting eh?  As a volunteer I have been given quite easy jobs which is okay but I love learning new things, however it's great being part of something so big that the world will see. We start dress rehearsals tomorrow and it will be my first day back for a couple of weeks as I've been ill. I'm sure it is all going to be a bit overwhelming seeing the whole thing put together at last! I'm quite excited for it now! However, at the moment I am sitting and home with a cup of tea trying to get my energy back for a very busy week and wondering if I handed all the paperwork I was supposed to for my assessments (oh well, it's too late now anyway!)

In June I did my first sound role on a show! It was actually two shows in rep, 'Promises Promises' and 'The Pajama Game' at the Royal Academy of Music. I really enjoyed it and learnt so much! I was allowed the day off for my birthday and I went to see West End Live at Trafalgar Square with my family. It was a good day out even though it got a bit rainy towards the end and I got to see all my favourite shows perform and also saw a few others that I haven't yet seen which I now want to!

One show I have been to see is the Mountview postgraduate musical theatre students 'The Match Girls' at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Seven Sisters. I really enjoyed it although the songs were a bit samey, but there were some funny bits to lighten the mood of what would otherwise be a very serious story. It finishes tomorrow (Saturday 21st) with a performance tonight at 7.30pm and one tomorrow matinee at 3pm so go and see it!